Environmental Policy
Kelly Bullock Art is committed to protecting our natural environment and resources in any place we conduct business. Implementation of this policy is a primary management objective and acting in accordance with this policy is the responsibility of every employee.
Our commitment to this environmental policy is incorporated into business activities through the following guiding principles:
Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
Incorporate environmental considerations in our planning decisions
Continually seek to improve our environmental performance
Ensure that all employees and others engaged on our behalf are aware of the need, informed of the requirements to protect the environment
Manage operations in an environmentally responsible manner
Respond effectively to avoid and or mitigate adverse environmental impacts associated with operations
Use resources efficiently to minimize waste and emissions, and reduce unnecessary water usage.
We use electricity responsibly and switch off electrical items when not in use.
We reduce the amount of paper used in the office by using electronic files.
All waste is recycled wherever possible.
We avoid any unnecessary car journeys.